Monday, July 8, 2013

Jesus Christ...Not another F*cking Outdoor Blog

As with a lot of solitary people who happen to be very task oriented, I spend most of my time outdoors challenging my body and my mind.  Likewise, I also follow and participate in a Social Media called Twitter.  I like Twitter because I can follow like minded individuals who care about the the same things I do without having to endure photos of their grand kid's 1st grade graduation or worry if anyone "Likes" what I'm saying or doing.  In short, Twitter fits my lifestyle and my ever dwindling attention span.

I've been paying way more attention to Twitter these days since I decided to sell my house and dedicate all of my time to giving back to the Appalachian Trail. As such, I was in my sleeping bag last night watching my Twitter feed on my fancy new Iphone, when I came across a Tweet that bothered me a great deal.  The Tweet in question was only tangentially related to the Appalachian Trail, but it bothered me nonetheless.  This Innocuous Tweet, authored by who I am sure is a well meaning individual, made me realize that many people have absolutely no clue what it means to live a true "Appalachian Trail Lifestyle", or what really happens on a long distance hike on any trail for that matter.

Perhaps I hit my head too hard this morning when I slid off of a bog bridge in the 100 mile wilderness, or maybe I have finally had one too many Pabst Blue Ribbon beers and I am now in a permanent alcohol induced stupor.  Regardless, I decided today that I am starting a Blog about what life is really like on the Appalachian Trail.  A true, non-sugar coated version of what really happens on the Appalachian Trail; along with the sacrifices that are made by the dedicated people who actually keep the AT going year after year.  

This Blog will be the down and dirty description of the Appalachian Trail Lifestyle, and an overview of what really happens on America's most famous National Scenic Trail.  Therefore, if you want gear reviews, or flowery narratives about Mountain Laurel, go read Backpacker Magazine; however, if you want to know everything else....stick around.


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